Frank Pedersen is a man of enthusiasms. Before setting out on a new boat project in 2002, he had owned a variety of modest-sized boats in his days, and he had also built a Wayfarer dinghy for himself. Over the years, he had gained enough experience to know what he liked and wanted in a boat. He studied hull forms, especially those of planing hulls, and when he felt ready he set out on a quest to design one for himself.

WINDSPRITEPhoto by Andrew SIms/Wavelength Studios

WINDSPRITE has had good showings in such races as the 2005 Eggemoggin Reach Regatta, during which this photograph was taken.

He wanted a hull that would be fast, that would plane when the wind conditions were just right, something that would give him the thrill of surfing down the front of a following sea. At the same time, simplicity and low cost remained constant priorities for him. “I read everything I could find,” he said, and began working up some preliminary sketches.

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