When setting out in a small rowboat or sailboat, whether for a few hours or an adventure of several days, it is important to equip your boat for safety. Though there are few legal requirements for non-motorized boats 23' and under, the common-sense skipper will view these as minimal and take further appropriate equipment, and he’ll know how and when to use it. The idea is to be self-sufficient, so that regardless of what happens you can take care of yourself.I like to keep everything compact, ready to go, and easily portable. Most of my gear fits in a canvas bag that I can put over my shoulder and carry with me to whichever boat I’ve chosen to take out. I also grab the plastic pail that holds my anchor and rode. I secure both the canvas bag and the pail to the boat with lanyards, because none of this gear will do any good if it floats away or sinks after a capsize.Seasonal maintenance is also important. Each spring, in addition to getting my boats ready for the season, I check all my safety equipment to make sure everything is functioning properly and also to reacquaint myself with it. I blow the whistle, turn on the light, inflate my PFD, change batteries, and so on.

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