Geordie Pickard’s dream boat began in mid-2020 with a sketch and culminated in June 2021 with a launching.The Pickard family lives on Vancouver Island in British Columbia which is where Geordie grew up. They also own a cabin on the tiny, off-grid Ruxton Island, one of the Gulf Islands north of Victoria. For much of 2019, Geordie and his wife, Erin, lived on Ruxton and commuted back and forth to Duncan on Vancouver Island. At the time, says Geordie, they owned a “big heavy production boat with an I/O engine. It was built to handle Georgia Strait and was unnecessarily big for the shorter, more sheltered run to Vancouver Island. And the gas we used on the daily commute was killing me.”

Photographs courtesy of the Pickard family

The original sketch shows the wide open cockpit but also a pilothouse; the boat was launched without it, but Geordie plans to build one over the winter. The removable pilothouse will have molded-rubber cooler latches to make it easy to put on and off the boat.

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