The Glen-L Squirt is a small boat with big ideas. Only 10′ long and with room for just two people, it’s limited in what it can do, but it has the undeniable good looks of a mid-20th-century runabout. The Glen-L website acknowledges the small size but sees it, and the lightweight construction, as a strength, stating that “this little boat will move out quicker with less horsepower than the average production boat…” and concludes that the Squirt is often a “first boat” for the “young at heart,” and “a good boat for the younger set.”For Bill Bains of Port Angeles, Washington, the Squirt brings back memories of teenage adventures. “When I was a kid in California,” he says, “a friend’s father built a small plywood motorboat, a little smaller than a Squirt. It was painted black and had a 20-hp Mercury, which we could sometimes get started. I had a 1959 Ford Ranchero and a home-built trailer with Model-T wheels. We’d take the boat out to Lake Havasu on the Colorado River and motor around just as fast as we could go. It was a hoot. I remember the weather being about 110 degrees and we’d spend as much time sitting in the water as riding in the boat.”

Bill Bains

Building the stem, breasthook, and frame members was straightforward, says Bill, thanks to the full-sized templates supplied by Glen-L.

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