The GravityWorks filter is designed to remove protozoa, bacteria, and particulates—the common contaminants encountered in American and Canadian backcountry. It is not intended to remove chemicals, toxins and viruses that are more commonly found in urban and agricultural areas and developing countries.SBM

The GravityWorks filter is designed to remove protozoa, bacteria, and particulates—the common contaminants encountered in American and Canadian backcountry. It is not intended to remove chemicals, toxins and viruses that are more commonly found in urban and agricultural areas and developing countries.

My wife and I spend summers at our Georgian Bay island cabin. Like many lakes in North America, the bay, a part of Lake Huron, is safe for swimming but its water is not drinkable. For years we brought tap water from home or the marina. When we went cruising, drinkable water was a large part of our provisioning.We looked into purifying our water. Boiling it is a possibility but takes time, consumes fuel, and doesn't filter out particulates. We tried chemical treatments, but the taste and the long-term health implications put us off. Hand-pumping water through filters seemed like a lot of work. Then we discovered gravity systems. There are a wide variety of these available, and we decided to get a compact system that we could use at the cabin and for boating or canoeing trips.

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