Issues #100 to #97
On Monday, September 1, 2014, the first issue of Small Boats Monthly was released. That issue’s six articles profiled a sailing outrigger canoe and an outboard skiff, reviewed a flashlight and an anchoring bungee, and featured an Alaskan sail-and-oar cruise and a family-built skiff. The next issue added the Technique feature articles to the mix, and the editorials followed just over a year later. In 2018, we branched out from covering only wooden boats to including aluminum, fiberglass, and inflatable boats. Our Series section began the following year with a video series and Boat Profiles originally published from 2007 to 2013 in the print-only Small Boats annual, which preceded web-based Small Boats Magazine.

#96 to #47
There are now more than 900 articles on the Small Boats Magazine website, all of them available to every subscriber, and all of them made possible by our contributors and readers. While those of us who produce Small Boats take pride in reaching this 100-issue milestone, we’re simply one nexus between those who have a passion for small boats and those who wish to offer something about them.

#48 to #1
For Nick Grumbles, builder of our Reader Built Boat in this issue, the nexus was the 2019 Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival. There he met Larry Cheek, a Small Boats contributor and a serial boatbuilder with several boats to his credit. Nick had no experience with rowing and sailing, let alone boatbuilding, but he was eager to learn. Larry had started out in the same way, driven by an inchoate passion for boats and undaunted by a lack of knowledge and experience.
In 1978, when I attended the first of those festivals in Port Townsend, I had already built my first boat, a skin-on-frame kayak that I had designed, and its chief virtue was pointing out how little I knew about boats. At that festival, I attended a presentation given by David Zimmerly about traditional Alaskan kayak construction. I talked to him afterward and he must have sensed the fascination he’d awakened in me and gave me a photocopied draft of his then-unpublished book, Hooper Bay Kayak Construction. It filled me with an appreciation for traditional boatbuilding and was such a clearly written and illustrated guide that I wasted little time in building a Hooper Bay for myself.
While my connection with Zimmerly gave me the benefit of his knowledge, it was John Gardner, known to many as the dean of American small craft, who gave me the encouragement that those new to boats need to keep discouragement at bay through the inevitable challenges that arise. In the late ’70s he was the technical editor for National Fisherman, a tabloid that my father subscribed to. I eagerly read the column Gardner wrote because it often included photos of amateur-built boats. I mailed him prints of my Hooper Bay and the Marblehead skiff I’d built soon after the kayak. He published both in National Fisherman with this in the caption: “Chris has taken to boatbuilding like fish to water.”
Over the more than four decades since then, I’ve moved through the nexus that joins those in the boating community with enthusiasm to those with experience. Wooden boat festivals, tabloids like National Fisherman, magazines like WoodenBoat and the now long-defunct Small Boat Journal, and books by the likes of John Gardner, Howard Chapelle, and Pete Culler have enriched my life and obliged me to return the favor, just as Larry felt compelled to pass on his knowledge to Nick.
Small Boats is meant to serve in the same capacity, a nexus that provides encouragement and experience to anyone with an interest in small boats. With this 100th issue our thanks go out to the contributors and subscribers who have given us a place in this community.
Following the launch of the 100th issue, my son, Nate, presented me with a peanut-butter jar filled with 100 red-cedar Whitehalls he had carved and painted.
Thanks for all your efforts and lovely work for the small boats community!!!
Thank you for the effort and all the information. I look forward to meeting other rowers in the Salish Sea. Probably not this winter.
Thank you, Christopher, for this nice work!
(A faithful reader from France)
Congratulations. We all wait to see each post with enthusiasm.
Thank you
Congratulations on this milestone. I am late to the party but enjoying all the back issues. Here’s to a great future!
Well done! Many thanks and well wishes!
Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed every issue. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations for the 100th edition and thank you all for keeping me eagerly waiting for the first day every month to read about small boats. Kudos!
Congratulations, and I love the peanut-butter jar (source of fuel for many an adventure!) full of Whitehalls!
Are these back issues available for bulk digital purchase?
Access to all of the back issues, in their entirety, is free to anyone with a current subscription. Just click on “Issues” from the menu at the top and all of the issue covers and dates will appear. Then click away!
Christopher Cunningham, Editor
Thank you! Glad it’s the weekend.
Small boats in a jar, but no small task! Way to go, Nate!
I have subscribed to Small Boats Monthly from the beginning and find myself checking to see if the new issue is posted at about noon on the first of every month. This is a magazine that hits the spot. Thanks and congratulations.
The jar full of small boats is a perfect metaphor for the Small Boats website: full of fantastic boats built and maintained with love.
Congratulations and Thank you. I greatly enjoy your work.
Glorious achievement for such a demanding job
Many greetings to all readers from Italy
Good to see that jar is filled with smooth, and not crunchy!
Best wishes and smooth sailing for the new year.
Thanks Christopher, your many contributors, helpers, and loved ones. Your subscription was the best birthday present I can remember, as I was about to give up on building a small wooden boat. Your magazine makes that impossible! I look forward to the next hundred issues. 🙂
Congratulations on your 100th editorial, Chris. I always enjoy your message within the context of boating. It’s fun to explore the small boot world each month. Nate’s way of celebrating his dad’s milestone was clever (but not surprising).
What a wonderful look back at the inspiring creation you’ve achieved, Chris, and many thanks for the long periods of dreaming that they inspired. My Christmas wish is that you would have made each of the covers into a clickable link to take us to that issue… but save that work until after the holidays… Fair winds!
Just finally getting caught up with all my Small Boat Magazine’s e-zines.
Thank you for all the great articles. My Dad built a plywood kit 17′ (Taft?) cabin outboard cruiser when I was just 2 or 3 years old in a barn in upstate New York (Syracuse). After that boat was sold, we graduated onto 23′ ‘glass Seabird sedan cruiser (now cut up) and a 34’ Siverton also fiberglass(donated to charity). My first boat is a ‘glass Chrysler 21 sloop I still have but needs sails, thanks to mice.
The ramblings of late Philip C. Bolger, Harold H. Payson, and others were my favoites in Small Boat Journal, and even built a Bolger Nymph from plans in that print magazine. I really missed those SBJ magazines but was thrilled to have Small Boats Monthly to feed my wood-boat addictions. Congratulations for 100th and counting issues!
And Also have a Happy, Safe, and Healthy 2023!