Iain Oughtred, the Australian-born boat builder and designer whose boats frequently appear in Small Boats, passed away on February 21, at the age of 84, in a hospital near his home on Scotland’s Isle of Skye. During his career as a designer, which began in 1967, Iain designed well over 100 boats. They ranged in length from his 6′ 8″ Feather, a pram dinghy, to the 41′ 8″ Gipsy Queen, a clipper-bowed ketch. Between Small Boats and the Small Boats annuals, we’ve reviewed 15 of Iain’s boats. I corresponded with him in connection to the reviews but never met him and most of my impressions of him came through his drawings, his book Clinker Plywood Boatbuilding Manual, and the Caledonia Yawl I built 20 years ago to his plans.

Nic Compton

Iain, here at his drafting table while living in Findhorn, is wearing several layers to keep warm. Nic Compton, who took this photo, noted that Iain was a frugal man and preferred bundling up to the more costly option of using central heating.

Iain did his beautifully detailed drawings by hand with a precision equal to those produced by CAD programs. There was seemingly nothing he overlooked, and I never had questions that his drawings didn’t address. In the complex construction views, he drew wood grain where it helps to distinguish adjoining pieces from one another. His text is all handwritten and dimensions are given in both imperial and metric figures, which he may have intended to help builders become numerically bilingual. His fractions are presented without slashes, which makes them easier to read especially when the drawings inevitably lose clarity when scanned and then printed. Such fine details may seem unimportant, but Iain must surely have given them some thought.

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