Small boats can be tricky places to store the quantities of water some cruises require. Our family of four consumes at least 3 gallons per day, more in hot weather. Carrying a week’s worth of water in rigid containers would leave precious little room for our bodies and gear in our 18′ sail-and-oar pram. What’s more, hard-sided bottles make poor use of the irregular spaces where water is often best kept in small boats. Rigid containers would be difficult to secure and impossible to fit into the small, curved, awkward spaces available low in our boat where we prefer to keep such dense supplies.

James Kealey

The Collapsible Water Bag can be laid down flat, stood upright and, if not filled to the maximum, be stowed in awkward places, conforming to the shape of the space.

Enter the soft-sided 2.6-gallon Collapsible Water Bags from WaterStorageCube. Remarkably inexpensive, they hold water securely and conform to the shape of wherever they’re stowed. They have a comfortable handle, stand upright, pour well, seal effectively, and hold about the right weight of water for adults to carry. When empty, they fold down to nearly nothing. They are BPA-free, and 1.3-gallon sizes are also available.

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