You searched for rushton - Small Boats Magazine
Guideboat builder Justin Martin takes Erin, his bride to be, out or summer row. She has her backrest up for comfort; Justin has his down for rowing.

Boat Profile

The Adirondack Guideboat

Strip-built in cedar, spruce, and pine the floorboards anchor adjustable foot braces. Plans were not available then as they are now. Atwood Manley’s Rushton and His Times in American Canoeing included the lines and offsets for Rushton’s Saranac Lake guideboat. Steve built a nicely crafted wood-strip version, and it was closely followed by a second. While generally pleased, he found the Saranac Laker had two...

Reader Built Boats


From corrugated roofing and rusty nails to cypress strips and epoxy

...37 years went by before Ernest seriously considered building another boat. An article by Mac McCarthy in the May/June 1991 issue of WoodenBoat was an illustrated guide to the construction of a strip-built version of Henry Rushton’s Wee Lassie double-paddle canoe. The article included Rushton’s lines for a 10′ 5-3/4″ by 27″ canoe. The drawings on the magazine page were...

David W. Dillion Plans

News and Curiosities

David W. Dillion Plans at Mystic Seaport’s Website

...4’6″. Based on John Gardner’s plans and documented as-built by the Apprenticeshop in Rockland, Maine. Lapstrake with centerboard. Creole Skiff Gibben Dupre, 17′9″ x 4′9″. Built by Alexander Giroir at Pierre Part, Louisiana, in 1934. Canoe by J.R. Robertson, 15′ x 30″. Built at Auburndale, Mass. in the early 1900s. Lapstrake construction. Rushton canoe Ugo, 16′ x 30″. Smooth-skin lapstrake....


From Birchbark to Trucker’s Tarp

A traditional canoe with a contemporary twist

...he brought into his own shop a late-1800s Rushton wood-and-canvas canoe for restoration. During the weekdays he was tearing the sailboat back to rough, splintered fiberglass, and in the evenings and weekends he was falling in love with the canoe. “Something about the mass and complexity of the sailboat left me craving boats I could actually pick up and carry....

The gunwales amidships are low and close in, well out of the way of a relaxed stroke.

Canoes & Kayaks, Designs,

10′ 8″ Stickleback Canoe

The shortest of the four canoes in Iain Oughtred’s catalogue. his version of the Nessmuk line of canoes built by the Rushton Canoe Company in 1880s. At 10’8″ it is only 2″ longer than its ancestor, but has the same beam (27″) and roughly the same weight (20 lbs.). Particulars and drawings for half-decked version The Stickleback is meant for glued-lap plywood construction, with only two thwarts and a...