Working as the editor of Small Boats for the past nine years has given me the opportunity to meet, correspond with, and work with a lot of remarkable people from all over the world. Jim Schroer, who first emailed me on March 29 of last year, was one of them. In the subject line he had written the following: “Hi Christopher, launched in Feb. after 6 months work, still not done. I'm a reader and this is reader built. Is there a way to get the info to you without all the composing and typing? thanks, Jim.”While those few words didn’t say much about him, the photographs that appeared copied in the body of his email suggested Jim was a kindred spirit. The johnboat he had built for river cruising echoed many of the ideas I’d had for HESPERIA, the little camp cruiser I’d built with all the comforts and conveniences I’d dreamed of while on my earlier cruises.In our subsequent emails and phone calls, I learned that Jim and I had even more in common. We both had done long cruises in small boats, though he had done many more and continued even after getting married and having twin daughters. Our fathers were teachers and we both had attended the schools where they taught. We both had flown hang gliders, though he had become an accomplished and licensed flier and I could only claim to have gotten airborne, briefly, with bamboo, plastic sheet, rope, and duct tape. As an aircraft pilot, Jim had aspired to own a Stearman biplane, the trainer my mother had flown while with the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) in World War II.

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