The pin that's included withe the WeatherMeter provide the option of connecting the device to the phone so they can be handled as a single unit.photographs by the author

A pin that's included with the WeatherMeter provides the option of connecting the device to the phone so they can be handled as a single unit.

The smaller your boat, the greater the bearing of weather on your travels. With a VHF radio or a dedicated weather radio, one can get reports from weather stations in the area and forecasts for what’s likely to come, but it’s still good to keep an eye on the conditions in the immediate vicinity. The WeatherMeter from WeatherFlow collects then provides data via smartphone, giving boaters an accurate and objective record of what’s going on in a given location.
From left: The display as an observation is being taken, the selected saved data, the complete record for an observation, and the collected history of all saved observations.

From left: The display as data is being recorded, the report at the end of an observation, the complete record, and the collected history of all saved observations.

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