Patrick Blake is 11 years old and a sixth-generation Blake boatbuilder. His third great-grandfather, Benson Blake, settled near Vicksburg, Mississippi, around 1834 and, while it’s not known what boats he owned, he did own a second home in Pass Christian, close by the yacht club there, the second oldest in the country. He raised his children as sailors, and the familial interest in boats grew with each succeeding generation.
Photos courtesy of the Blake family
Daniel, Nick, Andrew, and Patrick (left to right) gather in the shop where a scow is taking shape. Patrick chose the design for his boat from a book written by Boy Scout founder Daniel Carter Beard Carter in 1882, nearly a half century after the Blakes took to boats and boatbuilding.
Patrick’s grandfather, Daniel Blake, built about two dozen boats, including BOGLE, a 34′ Galway Hooker, JUBILEE, a 50′ steel paddle-wheeler, and MARY SAVAGE, a 31′ boat reminiscent of a 16th-century caravel. Patrick’s father, Nick, has also been drawn to building small wooden boats, among them CURLEW, a stretched New York Whitehall, and a faering with a flat, beachable bottom. Nick and Daniel both started early and small. Nick built a 7′ scow, HAPPY COCKROACH, when he was nine years old. Daniel was about eight when he built a similarly square-ended boat, but much narrower, like an old wooden horse-watering trough.
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Comments (3)
What a great project and family time.
This boat reminds me of my first boat. I found it in a large mud puddle and dragged it home. Made of 2x10s with a flat bottom, about 4′ long.
Love the simplicity of this. Two things: First is I would have hunted for a clear boards for the sides. Seems like knot-holed ones punch through sometimes. The second is, do a story on the car next. Too cool for just a passing mention
Talk about memories!
My dad and I built a boat very similar to this when I was a young Boy Scout in Wilmington, NC. I’m 71 now. As I remember the plans were in Boys Life magazine and it took a 4×8 sheet of ply, two 1x10s for the sides and two 2x6s for the bow and stern. Galvanized roofing nails held it together. I used to duck hunt in it. I sunk it on its inaugural voyage trying to use a 5-hp motor on it. Turns out the rounded stern provided no support for the motor. I’d build another one right now if my grandson was older than 3.
Thanks for the article,
Bob Hatcher
What a great project and family time.
This boat reminds me of my first boat. I found it in a large mud puddle and dragged it home. Made of 2x10s with a flat bottom, about 4′ long.
Love the simplicity of this. Two things: First is I would have hunted for a clear boards for the sides. Seems like knot-holed ones punch through sometimes. The second is, do a story on the car next. Too cool for just a passing mention
Talk about memories!
My dad and I built a boat very similar to this when I was a young Boy Scout in Wilmington, NC. I’m 71 now. As I remember the plans were in Boys Life magazine and it took a 4×8 sheet of ply, two 1x10s for the sides and two 2x6s for the bow and stern. Galvanized roofing nails held it together. I used to duck hunt in it. I sunk it on its inaugural voyage trying to use a 5-hp motor on it. Turns out the rounded stern provided no support for the motor. I’d build another one right now if my grandson was older than 3.
Thanks for the article,
Bob Hatcher