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Dorestad Raid NL

The Dorestad raid takes place annually from Wednesday evening to Sunday afternoon in September, each year taking a different route in the Netherlands.

Participants are to complete the entire route without the use of an engine. Playful competition elements are inevitable,  but it is not a real competition. The most important thing is that all are enjoying themselves.

Each day there is a stage which all participants should be able to complete, if necessary with some assistance. All however having due regard for the Terms and Conditions and the Safety Points.

In the morning there will be a briefing explaining the stage for the day and what you can encounter along the way.

Each day ends in afternoon at the place of destination, as agreed in the morning briefing. At the place of destination one will find the accompanying mother ship, the accommodation barge the ‘in Dubio’ of Leo and Hannah Versloot.

The price includes the evening meals, breakfasts and packed lunches, coffee and tea. Other drinks must be paid separately. All participants are, in accordance with the cores schedule, to help once during the raid setting and clearing the tables as well as doing the dishes. Please indicate your dietary requirements on the registration form.

For an additional price one can sleep on board the ‘in Dubio’. If so desired, bed linen is offered at an extra charge. Everything is to be specified on the registration form.

Please also note the Terms and Conditions and the Safety Points.

The English Raid – Plymouth Raid V3

The Raid will be based at the Mountbatten Water Sports and Activities Centre in Plymouth as in 2017 and 2015.

The Raid is taking place in school holidays in order to help those Raiders who have children (or Grandchildren) still at school. It is also the only dates that were available

We have booked all of the bedrooms as accommodation for the Raid.

Cars and trailers can be parked at the Centre.

There are spaces for up to 8 camper vans. Plug-in facilities for camper vans are available.  All Camper Van users will have 24-hour access to the Centre for showers and WC included within their charge. There are very few camping facilities nearby, although plenty of B&Bs and rental properties.

The boats will be launched, moored and recovered at Mountbatten Centre (MC).

The exact programme needs to remain as flexible as possible and will depend on tidal and weather conditions.  Thus, apart from Monday and Thursday evening/Friday morning, everything is fluid.

MONDAY 19th August


Arrival and registration


18.00 Welcome reception

20.00 Supper


Breakfast 07.30- 08.30

Briefing 09.00

Sail to Newton Ferrers

Racing on passage to and from Newton Ferrers

Lunch on beach and or pub

Return  Mount Batten

Supper 20.00 ( Location TBA )


Breakfast 07.30- 08.30

Briefing 09.00

Sail to Cawsand for lunch,

Racing in Harbour

Return Mount Batten

Supper 20.00 ( Location TBA )


Breakfast 07.30- 08.30

Briefing 09.00

Sail up the Tamar

Lunch possibly at Saltash Sailing Club

Racing on passage to and from
Saltash Sailing Club

Supper 20.00 ( Location TBA )

Thursday 22nd August EVENING

Some recovery of boats

Supper at Royal Western Yacht Club 20.00

Prize giving after supper

Friday 23rd August

Breakfast 07.30- 08.30

Recover boats/free sailing


We have booked all of the bedrooms as accommodation for the Raid.  Cars and trailers can be parked at the Centre.  Plug-in facilities for up to 8 camper vans are available.  All Camper Van users will have 24-hour access to the Centre for showers and WC included within their charge. There are very few camping facilities nearby, although plenty of B&Bs and rental properties.


Breakfast for those with beds in the Mountbatten Centre is included. Camper Van residents and live-aboards can buy breakfasts at the Centre for £8.00 per head per day but these need to be booked the day before.

Packed lunches will be provided on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for all Raiders.

Supper will be provided on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings for all Raiders.


The cost of participation in the Raid is expected to be £300 per person (this includes 3 packed lunches, 4 dinners, mooring fees and car and trailer parking).

In addition the cost of room-based accommodation in the Mountbatten Centre (including breakfast) is £160 per person (Monday evening to Friday morning).  Please note that you may end up sharing a room with crew from another boat as there are only 26 rooms in the Centre. Couples will not be asked to share and will be given their own room.

If you wish to stay in a camper van on the premises the cost is £28 per day per van (including electric hook-up) i.e,£112 for the 4 nights from Monday to Friday.  Those in camper vans (or live-aboards) may purchase breakfasts from the Centre at £8.00 per head per day.  These breakfasts can be booked in advance or the day before.

There is no charge for children under 5 and children 5 – 12 will be 50% of the adult cost.

To book your place on the Raid please go to Register 2024  and complete the form and send it to us.   A booking deposit of £75 per boat will secure your place.

402410 61420933 and Raid England are the details you will need if using online banking

If you are making an overseas transfer you will need to know that HSBC is the bank and that Market Place, Henley-on-Thames, UK is the address together with some or all of the below.  I have recently been using a system called Wise ( very successfully with much better exchange rates than most banks but contact me first to discuss the best way of paying.  If you insist upon using a traditional bank please can you “pay” the transfer fees as well because UK banks charge us a lot for accepting money from outside the UK.

IBAN: GB58HBUK40241061420933

Branch BIC (BIC 11): HBUKGB4113V


otherwise please send an old-fashioned cheque made payable to:

Raid England

Geoff Probert

60 St. Marks Rd.




Geoff Probert

01491 577220


Peter Chesworth

01209 822054


(substitute at & dot with the usual symbols  in order  to defeat the automated spammers)

Sulkava Rowing Race

Sulkava Rowing Race is Finland’s biggest rowing event that has gathered in its best years over 10 000 rowers and over 20 000 visitors. In most categories the route is approximately 60 km, except in two days tour rowing, it is 70 km. These two routes take the rowers around the Isle of Partalansaari where the rowers can enjoy the beautiful Finnish nature while competing. 30 km Stadium-Linnavuori-Stadium offers good alternative for 60km route for those who prefer shorter distance.

During the weekend there are starts where rowers can participate in small boats, special boats and Sulkava long boats, in addition the Finnish Championship -starts will be rowed. There are four different categories which are: Single, Paddle Sculling (one pair of oars and a paddle), Double Sculling (two pairs of oars) and team of rowers (special boats and Sulkava long boats). Please note, these are all wooden boat categories. However, canoes and kayaks are also welcome!

Sulkava long boat crew consists of 14 rowers and a cox who paces them. Each rower has one oar and rows on a seat with slides. The cox also steers the boat and cheers the rowers to their performance. The event always ends on the second Sunday of July.


Texas 200 Race

The 17 th Annual Texas 200 will be held from June 10-14, 2024. After a number of years doing a 6-day event, this year we’re going to do this thing in 5 days. Our theme this year is “Back to Basics”. Nothing fancy. No gimmicks. No alternative routes. No new camps. Just five solid days of sailing with new friends and old, to a set of tried and true camps that have all been used on this event several times.

 The Texas 200 is a “Raid”-type event; that is, it involves a scheduled gathering of small boats traveling more or less in company from Point A to Point B over a period of several days, camping along the way.  The Texas 200 goes through the Laguna Madre and the bays of South Texas for five to six days and about 200 miles. Shallow draft boats will have options in terms of routes through the bays, while deeper draft vessels will spend more time in the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW).  For any who may be unfamiliar with the ICW, it follows the Atlantic and Gulf coasts from New Jersey to the southern tip of Texas, providing a more or less protected waterway of canals and bays for commercial barge traffic, an alternative to open ocean shipping.

The Texas 200 was established by Chuck Leinweber, founder of the Duckworks website  Chuck competed in the Everglades Challenge (EC)  several years ago, and wanted to do more of that kind of thing.  The Everglades, however, are a long trip from his home in Texas.  Chuck thought he could organize a modified version of the EC, right on the Texas gulf coast.

  Kim Apel “A Californian Does the Texas 200” 

 What the Texas 200 is:
• A “rolling messabout” where people bring boats of all shapes and sizes and sail them on the south Texas coast.
• A moving, exhausting, endurance test of boat, captain, and crew.
• A chance to see areas of America rarely visited by man.
• An exercise in planning, preparation, and problem solving.
• A chance to make new friends and legends of the small boat world
Andy Linn “Texas 200: Embrace the Suck”

The 2024 Texas 200 will be held the second full week of June 2024, which means a start date of Monday, June 10th.   Additional information including the start point, finish point and all camps, will be published on our website on or about January 1, 2024.