September 2024 Archives - Small Boats Magazine

Eun Mara, a canoe yawl designed by Iain Oughtred, and a 14′ Blekinge Eka based on a traditional Swedish open sailboat, are featured in this month’s Boat Profiles. An easily assembled solar-powered automatic bilge pump and an oscillating multi-tool from DeWalt feature in our Product Review pages, while a simple method of marking an anchor rode solves the problem of measuring water depth and length of scope in our Technique feature. A Washington-based sailor sets out for a short, early-season, singlehanded cruise through the San Juan islands, and a reader from Connecticut restores the 10-year-old 19′ sharpie he originally built from spruce fencing stock. Our editor marks the 10th anniversary of Small Boats.


Our 10th Anniversary and a Change of Watch

From September 2014 to September 2024

Small Boats made its debut with the release of the September 2014 issue. We begin the second decade with a change of watch.


Blekinge Eka

A traditional sprit-rigged sloop from Sweden's southwest coast

The traditional 14′ Eka, a spritsail sloop from Sweden’s southeast coast, has its origins in the 18th century when the type was used for fishing and travel among the coastal islands.


Eun Mara

A trailerable coastal cruiser from Iain Oughtred

Influenced by the canoe yawls of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Iain Oughtred’s Eun Mara is a comfortable coastal cruiser for one or two adventurers.



A Sail-and-Oar Cruise in the San Juans   

Two days away in a Haven 12 1⁄2

A fair forecast provided the ideal opportunity for an early-season shakedown cruise in a Haven 12 1⁄2 through the northern chain of the San Juan Islands.


Anchor-Rode Markings

How to mark your anchor rode for water depth and scope

When anchoring a small boat, it’s important to calculate the depth of water and measure how much anchor rode is let out. Rode markings provide a simple and effective solution.


The EasyBailer

An automatic bilge pump for small boats

The plans and detailed assembly instructions for the EasyBailer direct a do-it-yourselfer through making a solar-powered automatic bilge pump for a small boat.


DeWalt Multi-Tool

A cordless oscillating tool for cutting, grinding, and sanding

Oscillating tools can do quick work in tight quarters and the Atomic 20-volt multi-tool is cordless and can go almost anywhere.



Restoring a home-built Reuel Parker Sharpie 19

Harald Hefel launched his Reuel Parker–designed Sharpie 19 in 2013, but eight years later, after she started leaking badly, he laid her up in his yard. In 2023 he decided to resurrect her, replacing the original carvel-planked spruce topsides with marine plywood, polyester cloth, and epoxy.

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